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Douglas Starnes
Douglas Starnes

Technology entrepreneur, content creator and Microsoft MVP

Douglas Starnes is a technology entrepreneur, content creator and four-time Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in developer technologies in Memphis, TN. Douglas is the founder and director of the Memphis Azure User Group as well as the director of the Memphis Python User Group. He is also on the organizing committee of Scenic City Summit in Chattanooga, TN. A frequent conference and user group speaker, Douglas has delivered more than 70 featured presentations and workshops at more than 35 events over the past 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree with an emphasis on Music Composition from the University of Memphis.


Data Visualization on the Web

Every dataset tells a story. But that story is hidden in the numbers. To help tell the story of the data, visualization is a common tool. This session will look at several different JavaScript visualization libraries such as D3.js, Chart.js, ECharts and more. We'll explore the visualizations offered by each and how best to use them. At the end of this session, you'll know more about data visualization and the options to include it in front end web interfaces.

CONNECT.TECHNovember 18-20, 2024
Cobb Galleria Centre 2 Galleria Pkwy SE Atlanta, GA

The largest multi-framework front-end conference in the USA.
A three day event diving deep with experts from across the tech ecosystem.

6 Tracks 60+ sessions 6 workshops

CONNECT.TECH is the largest multi-framework front-end conference in the USA.

A premium Web/HTML/CSS, Mobile, and Design conference at a community conference price!

Looking to attend an React conference, Angular conference, Vue.js conference, JavaScript conference, Node conference, Mobile conference or UX/Design conference this year? Why not go to one that combines all of these?

Connect.Tech attendees

Choose your ticket

Ticket fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, conference reception, tshirts, and entry into our mega raffle prizes and more!

Late Individual Conference Pass

Two Day Conference, November 19-20

Late Individual Workshop/Training and Conference Combo Pass

Three Day Workshop and Conference, November 18-20

Late Group (5+) Conference Pass

Two Day Conference, November 19-20

Late roup (5+) Workshop/Training and Conference Combo Pass

Three Day Workshop and Conference, November 18-20


All times are listed in EST. Scroll horizontally to see all tracks.

Monday, November 18

TimeSalon F: Vue/CoreJSSalon A: React/MiscSalon B: Angular/MiscSalon C: AI/MiscSalon D: PracticesSalon E: Web/HTML/CSS
8:00 AM

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 AM

Web performance workshop: hands-on tools and practices

Sia Karamalegos

JS + AI: (BYOM) Build Your Own Model with TensorFlow.js!

Will MarpleGant Laborde

Automated Testing Made Easy

Micah Wood

Advanced React: Lessons from 10 Years

Cory House
10:30 AM

Morning Break

12:00 AM


2:30 PM

Afternoon Break

Tuesday, November 19

TimeSalon F: Vue/CoreJSSalon A: React/MiscSalon B: Angular/MiscSalon C: AI/MiscSalon D: PracticesSalon E: Web/HTML/CSS
8:00 AM

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 AM

Influence - Witchcraft and Wizardry

Gant Laborde
10:00 AM

20 Ways to Define Props in Vue 3

Alex Riviere

React in 2024: Exploring The New Stuff

Cory House

Signals Unleashed: Intro to NgRx Signal Store

Chris Perko

Unlocking Machine Learning Potential in JavaScript: A Journey Through Cutting-Edge Tools

Danielle Maxwell

How to Conference : A User Guide

Nerando Johnson

Cross-Framework Components using Custom Elements or Mitosis

Chris Griffing
11:00 AM

Morning Break

11:30 AM

Vue Data Fetching & Management Patterns that Work

Will Marple

50 shades of React rendering with Next.js

Ben Ilegbodu

Build Fully Type-Safe Projects with TypeScript and Zod

Sean McQuaid

Building AI Enabled Web Apps

Colin DeCarlo

Beyond the Cache with Redis + Node.js

Guy Royse

Bundler Bonanza

Jonathan Creamer
12:30 AM


1:30 PM

Vue-Router, Hoisting Mocks, and Unit Test Spaghetti

Camille Kaniecki

GraphQL in the Era of Server Components

Roy Derks

Intl is Your Superhero

Raymond Camden


Full-stack performance testing with Grafana k6

Daniel González Lopes

It's time to ditch Lighthouse 100

Sia Karamalegos
2:30 PM

Afternoon Break

3:00 PM

JavaScript Framework Cage Match

Amy Dutton

Using Chrome Developer Tools

Micah Wood


Step On It! Using Visual Studio Code Features To Speed Up Your Code Development

Kelly Morrison

Coding For Accessibility: Best Practices from the Front Lines

Bekah Rice

Removing Repetition By Building Your Own Automation Framework

Cameron Presley
4:00 PM

Advanced TypeScript

Tyler Jennings

The Three Laws of Test-Driven Development are Useful and Incomplete

Burk Hufnagel

Sailing Uncharted Waters: Exploring the New Navigation API

Ray Gesualdo

Launch to Long-Term Success: Maximizing App Engagement and Growth in 2024

Shawn Johnson

Node Project Configuration Management at Scale

Cameron Childress

Demystifying Micro Frontends: A Practical Guide to Modern Web Architecture

Martin Rojas
5:00 PM

PowerPoint Karaoke

Jeremy Meiss
6:00 PM

Conference Reception (Foyer)

Wednesday, November 20

TimeSalon F: Vue/CoreJSSalon A: React/MiscSalon B: Angular/MiscSalon C: AI/MiscSalon D: PracticesSalon E: Web/HTML/CSS
8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Keynote Day 2

10:00 AM

Vue fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security

Ramona Schwering

Demystifying React Server Components

Dustin Goodman

Behavior-Driven Design: Elevating UX with Behavioral Economics

Bermon Painter

Hacking AI - How to Survive the AI Uprising

Gant Laborde

MySQL, Node, & Testcontainers - Testing Done Right

Scott Stroz
11:00 AM

Morning Break

11:30 AM

Lessons learned from building a thriving Vue.js SaaS application

Abdelrahman Awad

Remix Your React Router Applications!

Sean McQuaid

Accessibility in the Enterprise: The Relationship of A11y and ROI

Chris DeMars

LLMs for Web Developers

Roy Derks

How to be a Productive Product Engineer in 2024

Ryan Edge

Session: DevOps, 12-Factor, and Platform Engineering

Justin Reock
12:30 AM


1:30 PM

Building Desktop Apps with JavaScript

J.D. Hillen

Baseline ✅ - New web features ready to use across browsers today.

Pete LePage

Revolutionize Your Deployment Pipeline: Unveiling the Power of GitOps for Seamless CI/CD Integration

Lucas Ward


Strategic Thinking in Software Architecture using Wardley Mapping

Mike Clement

How I Bought Booze with a JSON Web Token

Angie JonesEbony Louis
2:30 PM

Afternoon Break

3:00 PM

Demystifying "Developer Experience", and why it matters

Jeremy Meiss

Memory First: An Introduction to Redis

Guy Royse

When is LiveView a good fit?

De Wet Blomerus

Typescript Deep Dive

Waller Goble



4:00 PM

Prize giveaways and conf close

Choose your ticket

Ticket fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, conference reception, tshirts, and entry into our mega raffle prizes and more!

Late Individual Conference Pass

Two Day Conference, November 19-20

Late Individual Workshop/Training and Conference Combo Pass

Three Day Workshop and Conference, November 18-20

Late Group (5+) Conference Pass

Two Day Conference, November 19-20

Late roup (5+) Workshop/Training and Conference Combo Pass

Three Day Workshop and Conference, November 18-20

2024 All Sessions

CONNECT.TECH 2024 Sessions


  • May 1

    2024 Kickoff

    Call for Papers, Early Bird tickets sales (first 100 only, then prices +$100), sponsor sales, scholarship program all open

  • June 1

    CFP Close

    CFP Closes

  • July 1

    Speakers Announced!

    Speakers announced, regular ticket sales

  • September 11

    Late ticket sales

    Late ticket sales, order now to get a swanky badge and tshirt

  • November 18

    Workshop day!

    Connect.Tech 2024 starts with workshop day

  • November 19

    The big show!

    Connect.Tech 2024 begins!